ToxTracker®は、化学物質や薬物の潜在的な発がん性を同定するとともに、遺伝毒性のメカニズムに関する情報を得ることができる、独自の in vitro 技術です。本技術は、レポーター遺伝子を有する6種類の哺乳類幹細胞株に基づいたシステムで、製薬や化学業界などで広く使用されています。ToxTracker®はOECD承認のためのバリデーションを実施中です。
A. ToxTracker®は、6種類の哺乳類幹細胞株を利用しており、それぞれ独自のGFP融合レポーター遺伝子が導入されています。各レポーター遺伝子は特定の毒性メカニズムの代表するバイオマーカーとなっています。レポーター遺伝子の発現誘導レベルに応じ蛍光強度が強くなります。このため、誘導されたレポーター遺伝子の種類及び発現レベルにより、DNA損傷、酸化ストレス、タンパク質ダメージ及びp53活性化を介した一般的な細胞ストレスが区別できます。
B. 親細胞株で用量設定試験を行った後に、レポーター細胞株に5段階に希釈した被験物質を暴露させ、S9分画有りと無しの条件下で24時間にわたり培養します。暴露後にレポーター遺伝子の発現レベルを測定し、データの解析から毒性のメカニズムを推測します。各試験には、毒性メカニズムが知られているコントロール化合物を含みます。
ToxTracker®データは、独自のToxPlotソフトウェアにより分かりやすいヒートマップで表示されます。レポーター遺伝子の発現レベルは特定の細胞毒性(通常、10%、25%もしくは50%)で示します。また、被験物質及びコントロール化合物によるレポーター遺伝子の発現レベルと比較します。※ 委託研究の場合
各被験物質の最終的な結果及び判定を簡単な表にまとめます。また、報告書では、被験物質によるレポーター遺伝子の発現誘導レベル、コントロール化合物との比較、毒性に関する推測等について詳細に記載します。※ 委託研究の場合
ToxTracker® ACE
ToxTracker® ACE(Aneugen Clastogen Evaluation)とは、ToxTracker®と倍数性解析を組み合わせた解析方法であり、染色体構造異常誘発物質(Clastogen)及び異数性誘発物質(Aneugen)の区別が可能となります。また、チューブリン重合阻害剤及び細胞周期関係キナーゼの阻害剤を同定できます。
- Bscl2とRtknが誘導される
- S期での細胞周期停止
- 倍数性なし
異数性誘発物質 / チューブリン重合阻害剤
- Rtknのみが誘導される
- G2/M期での細胞周期停止
- 倍数性あり
異数性誘発物質 / キナーゼ阻害剤
- Bscl2もRtknも誘導なし
- 細胞周期がG2/M期で停止
- 倍数性あり

ToxTracker® AO
高レベルの酸化ストレス及び活性酸素種(reactive oxygen species; ROS)の産生は、間接的な遺伝毒性をもたらす場合があります。ToxTracker®AO(AntiOxidant)では、被験物質の遺伝毒性における酸化ストレスの依存度を調べるために、ToxTracker®をROSスカベンジャーの存在下で実施します。DNA損傷、酸化ストレス及び細胞毒性を解析することにより、被験物質の直接的なDNA損傷ならびに、酸化ストレスを経由した間接的な遺伝毒性を区別できます。
上記の試験では、ToxTracker®AOでメタンスルホン酸メチル(methyl methanesulfate;MMS)及び臭素酸カリウム(KBrO3)を評価しました。2つの化合物は、各々DNA損傷(遺伝毒性)及び酸素ストレスをもたらしました。一方、ROSスカベンジャー(NAC)の存在下において、両化合物とも酸素ストレスは減少されましたが、DNA損傷の減少はKBrO3のみで起こりました。このデータよりMMSによるDNA損傷はROSに依存しませんが、KBrO3によるDNA損傷は部分的にROSに依存していると考えられます。※ ToxTracker® では、2倍の発現誘導が陽性としており、上記の図では赤い線で表しています。
ToxTracker® の利用
Toxys B.V.社(オランダ)がToxTracker®を独自開発し、受託試験サービスとして提供しております。試験のデザインはお客様のニーズに合わせて修正可能です。すでに、1,000種類以上の化合物等がToxTracker®にて評価されています。また、キットもしくは技術ライセンシングによりToxTracker®はお客様の施設でも利用可能です。詳しい情報については、当社までお問い合わせください。

Toxys社発表の論文 | |||
発表年 | キーワード | 詳細 | |
2023 | Technology evaluation | Quantitative interpretation of ToxTracker dose-response data for potency comparisons and mode-of-action determination. Boisvert L. et al. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2023 Jan 16. | 閲覧 |
2022 | Chemicals | The surfactant co-formulant POEA in the glyphosate-based herbicide RangerPro but not glyphosate alone causes necrosis in Caco-2 and HepG2 human cell lines and ER stress in the ToxTracker assay. Mesnage et al. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022 Oct;168:113380. | 閲覧 |
2022 | Pharmaceuticals | Genotoxicity assessment of potentially mutagenic nucleoside analogues using ToxTracker. Brandsma et al. Toxicology Letters Volume 362, 1 June 2022, Pages 50-58. | 閲覧 |
2022 | Metals | A tiered approach to investigate the inhalation toxicity of cobalt substances. Tier 2 b: Reactive cobalt substances induce oxidative stress in ToxTracker and activate hypoxia target genes. Derr et al. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2022. Mar;129:105120. | 閲覧 |
2022 | Chemicals | Comparative toxicogenomics of glyphosate and Roundup herbicides by mammalian stem cell-based genotoxicity assays and molecular profiling in Sprague-Dawley rats. Mesnage et al. Toxicological Sciences, Volume 186, Issue 1, March 2022, Pages 83–101. | 閲覧 |
2021 | Metals | Toxicity of stainless and mild steel particles generated from gas-metal arc welding in primary human small airway epithelial cells. Cediel-Ulloa et al. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 8;11(1):21846. | 閲覧 |
2021 | Chemicals | Genotoxicity evaluation of 2,4-D, dicamba and glyphosate alone or in combination with cell reporter assays for DNA damage, oxidative stress and unfolded protein response. Mesnage et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology Volume 157, November 2021,112601. | 閲覧 |
2021 | Metals | Mode of action assessment of the genotoxic properties of antimony and its compounds evaluated in the ToxTracker assay. Boreiko et al. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis Volume 865, May 2021, 503333. | 閲覧 |
2021 | Tobacco | The in vitro ToxTracker and Aneugen Clastogen Evaluation extension assay as a tool in the assessment of relative genotoxic potential of e-liquids and their aerosols. Czekala et al. Mutagenesis, Volume 36, Issue 2, March 2021, Pages 129–142. | 閲覧 |
2020 | Pharmaceuticals | A Case Study with Triazole Fungicides to Explore Practical Application of Next-Generation Hazard Assessment Methods for Human Health. van der Ven et al. Chem Res Toxicol. 2020 March. | 閲覧 |
2020 | ToxTracker ACE, ToxTracker AO | Aneugen Versus Clastogen Evaluation and Oxidative Stress-Related Mode-of-Action Assessment of Genotoxic Compounds Using the ToxTracker Reporter Assay. Brandsma, I et al. Toxicol. Sci. 177, 202–213. | 閲覧 |
2020 | Metals, nanomaterials | ToxTracker Reporter Cell Lines as a Tool for Mechanism-Based (geno)Toxicity Screening of Nanoparticles-Metals, Oxides and Quantum Dots. McCarrick S et al. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2020 Jan 6. | 閲覧 |
2019 | Metals | High variability in toxicity of welding fume nanoparticles from stainless steel in lung cells and reporter cell lines: the role of particle reactivity and solubility. McCarrick S et al. Nanotoxicology. 2019 Aug 16:1-17. | 閲覧 |
2019 | Food & Beverages | The mechanism-based toxicity screening of particles with use in the food and nutrition sector via the ToxTracker reporter system. Brown DM et al. Toxicol In Vitro. 2019 Jul 4. | 閲覧 |
2018 | Metals | Genotoxic and mutagenic properties of Ni and NiO nanoparticles investigated by comet assay, γ-H2AX staining, Hprt mutation assay and ToxTracker reporter cell lines. Åkerlund E et al. Environ Mol Mutagen 2018. | 閲覧 |
2017 | ToxTracker | Good cell culture practices & in vitro toxicology Toxicol In Vitro. Eskes C et al. 2017 Apr 24. | 閲覧 |
2016 | ToxTracker | The Vitotox and ToxTracker assays: A two-test combination for quick and reliable assessment of genotoxic hazards. Ates G et al. Mutat Res. 2016 Nov 1;810:13-21. | 閲覧 |
2016 | Nanomaterials | Emerging metrology for high-throughput nanomaterial genotoxicology. Nelson BC et al. Mutagenesis. 2016 Aug 26. pii: gew037. | 閲覧 |
2016 | ToxTracker | The Extended ToxTracker Assay Discriminates Between Induction of DNA Damage, Oxidative Stress, and Protein Misfolding. Hendriks G et al. Toxicol Sci. 150, 190–203. | 閲覧 |
2014 | Nanomaterials | Mechanism-based genotoxicity screening of metal oxide nanoparticles using the ToxTracker panel of reporter cell lines. Karlsson, HL et al. Part Fibre Toxicol 11, 41. | 閲覧 |
2013 | ToxTracker | Cellular-signaling pathways unveil the carcinogenic potential of chemicals. Hendriks, G et al. J Appl Toxicol 33, 399–409. | 閲覧 |
2012 | ToxTracker | The ToxTracker assay: novel GFP reporter systems that provide mechanistic insight into the genotoxic properties of chemicals. Hendriks, G et al. Toxicol. Sci. 125, 285–298. | 閲覧 |
2011 | ToxTracker | Sensitive DsRed fluorescence-based reporter cell systems for genotoxicity and oxidative stress assessment. Hendriks, G et al. Mutat Res 709-710, 49–59. | 閲覧 |
第三者による論文 | |||
発表年 | キーワード | タイトル | |
2023 | ToxTracker | Quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation of genotoxicity data provides protective estimates of in vivo dose. Beal M. A. et al. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2023 Feb;64(2):132-143. | 閲覧 |
2023 | Tobacco | Chemical and in vitro toxicological comparison of emissions from a heated tobacco product and the 1R6F reference cigarette. Hashizume T. et al. Toxicol Rep. 2023 Feb 15;10:281-292. | 閲覧 |
2023 | Fragrances | Utility of ToxTracker in animal alternative testing strategy for fragrance materials. Thakker Y. et al. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2023 Feb 10. | 閲覧 |
2022 | Herbicides | Cytotoxicity Mechanisms of Eight Major Herbicide Active Ingredients in Comparison to Their Commercial Formulations. Ferguson S. et al. Toxics. 2022 Nov 21;10(11):711. | 閲覧 |
2022 | Hydrazine | Exploring the molecular and functional cellular response to hydrazine via transcriptomics and DNA repair mutant cell lines. Crosby M. E. et al. Enviromental and Molecular Mutagenesis Vol. 63 Issue 7 Aug 2022. | 閲覧 |
2022 | ToxTracker | Search for the optimal genotoxicity assay for routine testing of chemicals: Sensitivity and specificity of conventional and new test systems. Miˇsík et al. Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen 2022 Sep;881:503524 | 閲覧 |
2022 | Consumer goods | Assessing the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of 2-chloroethanol through structure activity relationships and in vitro testing approaches. Allemang et al. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022 Oct;168:113290. | 閲覧 |
2022 | Tobacco | Application of ToxTracker for the toxicological assessment of tobacco and nicotine delivery products. Smart et al. Toxicology Letters Volume 358, 1 April 2022, Pages 59-68. | 閲覧 |
2021 | Pharmaceuticals | Empirical Comparison of Genotoxic Potency Estimations: The In Vitro DNA-Damage ToxTracker Endpoints versus the In Vivo Micronucleus Assay. Wills J. W. et al. Mutagenesis 2021 Jun 10; 36(4):311-320. | 閲覧 |
2021 | Metals | Mode of action assessment of the Genotoxic properties of antimony and its Compounds evaluated in the ToxTracker assay. Boreiko et al. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 865, 503333. 2021 May | 閲覧 |
2021 | Tobacco, ToxTracker ACE | The in vitro ToxTracker and Aneugen Clastogen Evaluation extension assay as a tool in the assessment of relative genotoxic potential of e-liquids and their aerosols. Czekala, L. et al. Mutagenesis, 18 March 2021 | 閲覧 |
2020 | ToxTracker | A comparison of classical and 21st century genotoxicity tools: A proof of concept study of 18 chemicals comparing in vitro micronucleus, ToxTracker and genomics-based methods (TGx-DDI, whole genome clustering and connectivity mapping). Allemang et al. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2020;1–16. | 閲覧 |
2020 | Tobacco | An approach for the extract generation and toxicological assessment of tobacco-free ‘modern’ oral nicotine pouches. Bishop et al. Food Chem Toxicol. 2020 Sep 14 | 閲覧 |
2020 | Cosmetics | A next generation risk assessment case study for coumarin in cosmetic products. Baltazar MT et al. Toxicological Sciences. 2020 Apr 4 | 閲覧 |
2018 | Metals, nanomaterials | Mechanistic insight into reactivity and (geno)toxicity of well-characterized nanoparticles of cobalt metal and oxides. Cappellini et al. Nanotoxicology. 2018 Aug 12 | 閲覧 |
2016 | ToxTracker | An integrative test strategy for cancer hazard identification. Luijten et al. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 46:7, 615-639 | 閲覧 |
ポスター | ||||
発表年 | キーワード | タイトル | 学会 | |
2024 | MutaTracker | A novel approach method combining GFP reporter cell lines with error-corrected next generation sequencing for in vitro genotoxicity assessment of N-nitrosamines | – | 依頼 |
2024 | MutaTracker | Understanding genotoxic mode of action using error corrected NGS as an extension for ToxTracker | – | 依頼 |
2024 | N-nitrosamines, MutaTracker | Using ToxTracker and DNA repair-deficient cell lines to determine the genotoxic mode of action of N-nitrosamines | – | 依頼 |
2024 | Tobacco, ToxTracker | Comparative Toxicity Assessment of the Harm Reduction Potential of Tobacco-Free Oral Nicotine Products | – | 依頼 |
2022 | Agrochemicals, ToxTracker ACE | ToxTracker – A Key to Early-Stage Molecule Genetox Testing | GTA | 依頼 |
2021 | ToxTracker ACE, ToxTracker AO | Extension of the ToxTracker reporter assay for mechanistic insight into mode-of-action of genotoxic compounds | – | 依頼 |
2021 | ToxTracker ACE | ToxTracker ACE and TubulinTracker provide mechanistic insight into the mode of action of aneugenic substances. | GTA | 閲覧 動画 |
2019 | Food contact materials | Combining a genotoxin-specific qPCR method with the ToxTracker to evaluate the genotoxic potential of high priority printed paper and board food contact material substances. | EEMGS | 依頼 |
2019 | ToxTracker | Optimisation of in vitro metabolism using S9 liver extract in ToxTracker. | GUM | 閲覧 |
2019 | Pharmaceuticals, ToxTracker ACE | Extension of the ToxTracker reporter assay for classification of compounds with a clastogenic or aneugenic mode of action. | UKEMS | 閲覧 |
2019 | Cosmetics | Evaluation of the ToxTracker® assay for DNA damage and pro-oxidative MoA using 10 coded chemicals.(Unilever社発表) | BTS | 依頼 |
2019 | Petroleum products | Adaptation of the ToxTracker reporter assay for the genetic toxicology assessment of petroleum products. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2018 | Agrochemicals, ToxTracker AO | The ToxTracker reporter assay detects indirect genotoxicity by high levels of oxidative stress. | Eurotox, UKEMS, SOT | 閲覧 |
2018 | Metals, nanopatrticles | The ToxTracker as a tool for mechanism based (geno)toxic screening of nanoparticles. | UKEMS | 閲覧 |
2018 | Petroleum products | Validation of the ToxTracker reporter assay for genetic toxicology assessment of petroleum products. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2018 | ToxTracker | Interlaboratory validation of the ToxTracker genotoxicity reporter assay. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2018 | Metals | Genotoxicity assessment of Antimony compounds using the ToxTracker assay. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2017 | ToxTracker | Application of the ToxTracker reporter assay in a mode of action approach for genetic toxicology assessment. | Eurotox | 閲覧 |
2017 | ToxTracker | Use of Multiparametric Mode of action approached for Genetic Toxicity assessment: ToxTracker reporter cell lines versus gene array analysis. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2017 | ToxTracker | Application of the ToxTracker reporter assay in a mode-of-action approach for genetic toxicology assessment. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2017 | Petroleum products | Validation of the ToxTracker reporter assay for the genetic toxicology assessment of petroleum products. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2017 | Metals, nanoparticles | Mechanism-based genotoxicity screening of nanomaterials using the ToxTracker panel of reporter cell lines. | SOT | 閲覧 |
2016 | ToxTracker | The novel ToxTracker reporter system provides mechanistic insight into the genotoxic properties of compounds and materials. | GTA/EMGS | 閲覧 |
2016 | Drugs | The ToxTracker reporter system is a mechanistic genotoxicity assay that discriminates clastogenic from aneugenic compounds. | GTA | 閲覧 |
2015 | ToxTracker | Mechanistic toxicity profiling of chemicals and nanomaterials by combining the ToxTracker genotoxicity assay and MiToxView mitochondrial toxicity assay. | Eurotox | 閲覧 |